Bed bugs are small insects that feed on our blood at night. Like other insects, bed bugs have a skeleton on the outside of their body called an exoskeleton. When bed bugs grow, they shed their skin or exoskeleton. This shed skin is often referred to as a shell or carcass.
Bed Bug Shells Pictures
Today we want to share with you the best bed bug shells pictures, so you can determine what bed bug shells look like and can determine if you have an infestation in your home, or if it is another type of shell.
The first image contains bed bug exoskeletons of different sizes and different stages of development. You can even see a shell of an adult bed bug.
Bed Bug Shells Images
Nymphs must go through five stages before becoming adults. This means that it will shed its skin (or exoskeleton) five times during its life. Every time a nymph leaves an envelope, she enters the next stage of life.
The second image contains an exoskeleton of an adult form, which is almost complete.
You may wonder, what does a bed bug shell look like? And the answer is quite simple since in most cases, it looks like the bed bug but without the body inside. Many shells are undamaged, making them easier to recognize.
In the third image, we can see a dish with water with thousands of bed bug shells. It is possible to see that they are yellow, indicating that they are exoskeletons of immature forms.
Bed Bug Exoskeleton Photos
When bed bugs are in their early stages of development, the exoskeletons are thin and almost translucent. As these insects grow, the exoskeletons become more solid and less translucent.
The fourth image shows two-bed bug shells. Apparently adult forms.
Nymphs have the same characteristics as adult bedbugs, however, they differ in color and size. Adults have a brown exoskeleton, while nymphs have almost translucent whitish-yellow exoskeletons.
In the following image, we can see exoskeletons of immature forms of bedbugs. The almost translucent yellow color is noticeable.
In some cases, it is possible to see the complete and almost intact exoskeletons. In other cases, you can see the exoskeletons scattered by pieces. The bigger the bed bug infestation, the more shells you’ll find lying around.
The sixth photo contains another shell in an adult form.
Bed Bug Shells Casings Pictures
In cases of moderate/heavy infestations, it is common to see some other indicators of bed bug presence such as poop, eggs, and even bed bug eggshells. Bed bug eggs are only 1/16 inch long, oval in shape, white, and can resemble other insect egg sacs.
The following is an enlarged image of a shell in an adult form.
Bed bugs are lazy and do not want to walk long distances from their nest to their host. So they try to be as close to you as possible. For this reason, you are more likely to find them both around your bed, along the mattress seams, sheets, and behind the headboard. These are the preferred sites for bed bugs, but they are not the only ones. When the infestation is high, bed bugs can be seen on walls, ceilings, along baseboards, on furniture, and even in air conditioning.
In the following image, we can see bed bug shells in different pieces. Bed bugs can be seen to shed all of their skin. Even the legs.
Bed Bug Shells Photos
A female bed bug in its adult stage can lay up to 250 eggs in its lifetime. This is a problem that if not identified and eliminated in time, will continue to grow, causing more serious infestations. For this reason, before you start vacuuming your bed covers, take a little time to assess your bedroom areas.
If you find bed bug shells when you do a thorough inspection of all areas of your bedroom, it means that you have bed bugs in your home.
The image below shows a bed bug shell on a person’s hand. Note the size and color of the exoskeleton, which indicates that it is from a nymph.
There are home and professional methods to eliminate bed bugs. Treatment varies according to the type of infestation you have. In cases of moderate or heavy infestation, it is best to seek professional help.
The last photo shows a picture of a severe infestation. In these cases, it is possible to observe not only shells, but also live bed bugs, nymphs, eggs, excrement, and even hatched eggshells.

Bye for now, see you next time!
The first picture is carpet beetle larvae sheds not bedbugs